Fort Worth Wildlife Removal


Pigeon Removal Service in Dallas-Fort Worth

Pigeon Removal

Pigeon Control in Arlington, Dallas, and Tarrant County, TX

Pigeons are nuisance birds known for roosting on roofs and making a mess. Pigeons are not federally protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. If you have pigeons on your property, it is important to have them removed by a professional wildlife removal company. For pigeon control and removal in Dallas, Denton, Parker, Tarrant, Collin and Johnson County, Texas, contact us at 817-859-8308

Why Remove Pigeons 丨Bird Removal Service in Fort Worth

Pigeons carry a lot of bacteria and they can transmit harmful diseases and viruses. Pigeons are known for being associated with filth and urban areas where they will eat garbage and food off the ground. If you have pigeons on your property, contact Fort Worth Wildlife Removal for pigeon control and pigeon removal services in Dallas, Denton and the surrounding counties.

How Does Our Team Remove Pigeons?

Our Wildlife Removal in Fort Worth team offers pigeon removal by installing bird guards, removing their nesting and installing deterrents such as bird spikes. Contact us for pigeon removal and pigeon control services in Fort Worth, Dallas, Parker, Collin, Tarrant, and Johnson County, Texas.

How do you Keep Pigeons Away? | Bird Deterrent Service

Deterrents are the most effective form of pigeon control. Some examples of deterrents are bird spikes and bird guards. Bird spikes are placed on the roof and won’t allow the pigeon to roost on the roof. Bird guards will seal off chimneys and vents and prevent the birds from gaining entry to the home.

Bird Nesting Removal In Dallas, Texas

If you have a bird nesting on your roof, in your gutters, in vents, chimneys or somewhere else on your property and need to have it removed, contact our expert bird removal team.  Our team will remove the nesting, disinfect the area, and apply prevention or deterrents to keep the birds from coming back.

Bird Removal and Clean-Up in Fort Worth, TX

Once you have pigeons or other nuisance birds removed from your property, it is important to have the droppings cleaned-up and the areas where the birds were roosting, properly disinfected. Bird droppings have a lot of bacteria that can spread harmful diseases and viruses. If a bird gets into your crawl space or attic, they can ruin insulation and you might have to have it removed and replaced. Our Wildlife Removal in Fort Worth and Bird Removal team offers insulation removal and replacement, attic deodorization and full attic restorations.

Pigeon Prevention | Bird Prevention in Frisco, TX

Some ways to prevent pigeons from roosting on your property include:

The best thing to do to prevent pigeons and other wildlife from getting onto your property is to schedule an inspection with a professional wildlife removal company. Contact us today for pigeon control and pigeon removal in Dallas, Denton, Parker and surrounding areas. 

Contact us for Wildlife Removal and Pest Control in Fort Worth, Dallas, and Arlington