Fort Worth Wildlife Removal


Pest Control and Wildlife Removal in McKinney, TX

Pest Control and Wildlife Removal in McKinney, TX

Pest Control and Wildlife Removal in McKinney, TX

Wildlife X Team offers wildlife trapping, wildlife removal and pest control services in McKinney, Texas. Do you have raccoons, bats, or squirrels in your home? Contact Wildlife X Team to schedule a wildlife or pest inspection.

Wildlife Removal in McKinney, Texas

Nuisance wildlife can cause problems on and inside your property and it is important to have them removed by a professional wildlife removal company like Wildlife X Team. If you have squirrels, bats, raccoons or opossums in the attic or birds nesting on your roof or in a vent, schedule one of our professional wildlife technicians for a wildlife inspection for your home in McKinney, Texas.

Squirrel Removal in McKinney, TX

Squirrels are nuisance wildlife that can cause a lot of damage to your property and home in McKinney, TX.

 If you have squirrels in your gutter, attic, shed, on the roof or in the walls, contact your local nuisance wildlife experts. Our team of wildlife and squirrel removal experts will be able to trap, remove and relocate the squirrels from your property and assess the damages they might have caused.

Raccoon Removal and Trapping in McKinney, TX

In addition to removing squirrels that are living on your property or in your attic in McKinney, Texas, Wildlife X Team also offers raccoon removal services. If a nuisance raccoon has invaded your home (and likely has made a raccoon home in your attic space), on your property, contact Wildlife X Team for raccoon trapping removal in McKinney. There are many reasons why a raccoon may have entered your yard or attic, so it is best to leave the removal of the wildlife up to a professional wildlife removal company in McKinney.  Raccoons can be aggressive if they are protecting their young or deem you, or your family, as a threat.  

Pest Control in McKinney, Texas

For rat and mice control services, contact Wildlife X Team, Rats and mice reproduce quickly, so it is important to control their populations before there is an infestation. Mice and rats cause damage to your home by chewing holes and ruining insulation and they also pose a health concern because they carry bacteria, parasites and transmit harmful viruses and diseases. 

Stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets are not only a nuisance to have on your property but they can also inflict painful stings which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you have a nest or hive on your property, stay away from it and never attempt to remove it yourself. Wildlife X Team offers stinging insect pest control services in McKinney, Texas, contact us today to schedule a pest inspection.

Wildlife and Pest Exclusions in McKinney

When an animal or pest has made their way into your home they will cause a lot of damage. After wildlife and pests have successfully been removed from your home, it is important to have exclusions completed to prevent animals and pests from getting back in in the future and causing more damage.  Protect your home in McKinney with a wildlife removal and wildlife exclusion plan by Wildlife X Team. 

Wildlife Damage | Insulation and Attic Restoration in McKinney

Animals and pests can cause damage to your attic and insulation and it is important to have the damage assessed and fixed if possible. One of the main areas of concern for pest and wildlife damage is the attic. Nuisance wildlife will use attic insulation for their nesting and will soil it with the urine and droppings. It is important to have old insulation removed because it contains large amounts of bacteria and even parasites like ticks and fleas. Wildlife X Team offers attic restoration services to exclude the animals and pests, remove the old insulation, clean and disinfect the attic and install new attic insulation for your home in McKinney, Texas.

To schedule an inspection for wildlife removal or pest control, contact us today. To learn more about exclusion and attic insulation services, fill out our contact form or call us at 817-859-8308.

Contact us for Wildlife Removal and Pest Control in McKinney, TX