Fort Worth Wildlife Removal


Wildlife Removal and Pest Control in Plano, TX

Wildlife Removal in Plano TX

Wildlife Removal Service in Plano, TX

Our Wildlife Removal Team offers wildlife removal in Plano for nuisance wildlife like squirrels, raccoons, bats and opossums. In addition to wildlife trapping and removal services, our team offers pest control in Plano, TX for stinging insects, rodents and more! 

If you are struggling to find the right wildlife removal services in Plano, contact us today.  We are locally owned, operated, and provide the best wildlife removal in Plano, TX and pest control services.

Wildlife Trapping in Plano, Texas

If you have raccoons, bats or squirrels in the attic, opossums under your porch or shed, or birds on the roof or in the chimney, then you will need wildlife removal and wildlife trapping services for your home in Plano, Texas.  The Wildlife Trapping process starts with a free wildlife inspection for your home in Plano, we take great care with our inspection process.  Once you’ve invited our team to your home, we’ll inspect the problem areas where you suspect wildlife entry and wildlife damage.  Once our inspection is completed, we’ll provide you with a written estimate and, if approved, will get you schedule for squirrel trapping, raccoon trapping, or whatever other type of wildlife needs removed.  Our team will help get your home back to a wildlife free state! 

For more information about wildlife trapping services and wildlife removal in Plano, Texas, contact us today to schedule a wildlife inspection today.

Opossum Trapping and Removal

Opossums are nuisance wild animals that will cause damage to your home and yard and can spread viruses and diseases. But, don’t worry!  Our Wildlife Removal team has your back.  We are experts in Opossum removal in Plano, TX.  If you have an opossum on your property, schedule an inspection for removal services with our Wildlife Removal Team in Plano, Texas.

Bat Removal and Bat Exclusion in Plano

Bats need to be removed by a professional wildlife removal company because bats are federally protected and it is illegal to trap or harass them. If you have bats in your home, you will most often find them in the attic. Bats are nocturnal and like dark places where they can sleep during the day. If there are bats in your attic, you will probably need to have your attic insulation removed and replaced, because bats will soil the insulation and it is a health hazard.  Contact us for a free bat inspection today at 817-859-8308.

Bird Control | Plano Bird Removal

Birds will roost on roofs, make their nests in vents and get into chimneys and attics. If you have birds in your home or on your property and need them removed, it is important to have an inspection done to make sure the bird species is not protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Our Team, Wildlife Removal in Plano, offers bird removal in Plano, Texas, contact us today to schedule a bird control inspection.

Raccoon Trapping and Removal

If you have raccoons on your property or in your home, you need to have them removed as soon as possible before they cause damage. Raccoons carry bacteria, parasites and can transmit viruses and diseases. Our wildlife removal team offers raccoon removal in Plano, TX.  As part of any raccoon removal process, we offer raccoon trapping in Plano to remove the raccoon for your attic or yard. 

Squirrel Removal in Plano, TX

Squirrels will chew on the roof of your home and make their way into your attic. Once inside the attic, squirrels will use insulation for their nesting and soil it with their urine and feces. Squirrels have bacteria, parasites and are known for transmitting harmful and infectious diseases and viruses.

Our local wildlife removal experts in Plano will inspect and provide you with an estimate for squirrel trapping, squirrel removal, and squirrel damage repair services.  

If you have squirrels on your property in Plano, Texas, contact our Wildlife Removal in Plano team today to schedule an inspection for squirrel removal in Plano.  

Pest Control in Plano, Texas

Our team offers local pest control in Plano for rats, mice and stinging insects.

Full list of pests we can service your home in Plano for: 

If you have pests on your property or in your home, contact us to schedule a pest control inspection in Plano today at 817-859-8308.

Rodent Control in Plano, Texas

Rats and mice reproduce quickly which can result in a rodent infestation on your property.  Once a rat or mice population reaches a certain size, it is difficult to control without intervention from a professional rodent control company.  Rats and mice can carry disease, so it is important to address any rodent issues on your property in Plano as soon as possible to protect your home, your health, and the health of your family. 

If you have rats or mice in your kitchen, attic, basement, crawl space or other parts of your home in Plano, Texas, schedule a rodent inspection with our local pest control team today. 

Bees, Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets

Stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets can cause discomfort to you and the members of your household.  They can build nests inside the walls of your home, on your roof line, in trees on your property, and even in the ground.  These nests can be hazardous if left unchecked, contact us today to schedule an inspection to determine how big your wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket issue might be.  We’ll inspect and provide you with an estimate for removal of hornet nests, wasp nests, yellow jackets, or bees nests from your property and taking care of the stinging insect issue. 

Wildlife and Pest Exclusions | Plano Wildlife Repair

Wildlife and pest exclusions are important after nuisance wildlife removal or pest control services. Exclusion work is completed to seal up entry points used by animals or pests to get into your home and cause damage. Some examples of exclusions include seal outs, screening vents and chimney caps.

Wildlife and Pest Damage Insulation

If you have had rodents or nuisance wildlife in your attic, chances are the insulation is probably damaged. Animals will use insulation for their nesting and will also soil it with their urine and feces. Our team offers attic insulation removal in Plano and insulation replacement in Plano, as well as attic restorations. An attic restoration occurs after animals or pests have successfully removed from your attic.

If you’ve had issues with wildlife or pests in the past, contact us for a free inspection for attic insulation replacement in Plano, TX.  Call today at 817-859-8308

Contact us for Wildlife Removal and Pest Control in Plano, TX